Glass thermometers are one of the most common types of temperature instruments and are available in a variety of styles, sizes, and versions
InnoCal is the only authorized service center for ERTCO brand liquid-in-glass (LIG) thermometers in the United States We also calibrate any make and model of LIG thermometers including Brooklyn Thermometer, Miller and Weber, Inc., LSW, and H-B Instruments Testing range for liquid-in-glass thermometers is from –80 to 420°C (–176 to 788°F) Calibrated at manufacturer’s recommended points or at your desired points depending on your specific requirements
Correction factors are also provided for your convenience All calibration certificates contain as-found and as-left data, estimated measurement uncertainties (emu’s), and test uncertainty ratios (TUR’s) at no additional cost! This NIST-traceable calibration allows you to confirm that the specific asset you purchase meets the manufacturer’s published specification EPA, USDA, ISO, and GLP/GMPs standards require regular NIST-Traceable calibration of all test equipment being used in critical applications Receive your product calibrated and ready to use rather than sending it to a third-party or internal calibration lab and incurring additional delays
Calibration TypeA2LA ISO17025 Accredited Temperature
System Calibration (Instrument and Probe)Yes
Number Of Calibration Test Points1 Point
Calibration Test PointsMid-Point or as customer-specified
Calibration Test Range-80 to 550 C
Key Features
InnoCal is the only authorized service center for ERTCO brand liquid-in-glass (LIG) thermometers in the United States We also calibrate any make and model of LIG thermometers including Brooklyn Thermometer, Miller and Weber, Inc., LSW, and H-B Instruments Testing range for liquid-in-glass thermometers is from –80 to 420°C (–176 to 788°F) Calibrated at manufacturer’s recommended points or at your desired points depending on your specific requirements
Correction factors are also provided for your convenience All calibration certificates contain as-found and as-left data, estimated measurement uncertainties (emu’s), and test uncertainty ratios (TUR’s) at no additional cost! This NIST-traceable calibration allows you to confirm that the specific asset you purchase meets the manufacturer’s published specification EPA, USDA, ISO, and GLP/GMPs standards require regular NIST-Traceable calibration of all test equipment being used in critical applications Receive your product calibrated and ready to use rather than sending it to a third-party or internal calibration lab and incurring additional delays
More About this Item
Glass thermometer's unique characteristics of wide range, precision, repeatability, and quick response create a unique challenge for the metrologist who is calibrating these instruments. InnoCal can calibrate spirit-in-glass (SIG) thermometers. Calibrations for glass thermometers use direct comparison in high-stability liquid baths using Precision Reference Thermometers (PRTs) and Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers (SPRTs) and high precision displays. The glass thermometers are inspected for cracks and liquid-column separations before testing. All measurements reported are traceable to SI units via national standards maintained by NIST and performed in compliance with ANSI Z540, ISO17025, and MIL-STD-45662A. FDA Compliant. InnoCal is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) under certificate number 1746.01. This accreditation is your assurance that the calibration is performed in a qualified, controlled laboratory.
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