PRO Scientific Multi-Gen 7XL Homogenizer Package, 1.5 to 15 mL Tubes; 120 V

Representative image only.
PRO Scientific Mfr # PK-01200PMGXL – Item # 0475103
Avoid cross-contamination while homogenizing multiple samples
  • Open slotted tooth generators — ideal for the softest to toughest samples
  • Longer shaft — perfect for sample volumes within 1.5-mL microtubes to 15-mL conical tubes
  • 2 year warranty


₹798,000.00INR / Each


Specifications & Description

  • DescriptionHomogenizer Package, 1.5 to 15 mL Tubes; 120 V
  • Warranty2 year
Two year warranty

Key Features

  • Open slotted tooth generators — ideal for the softest to toughest samples
  • Longer shaft — perfect for sample volumes within 1.5-mL microtubes to 15-mL conical tubes
  • 2 year warranty

More About this Item

The Multi-Gen 7XL homogenizing kit is ideal for processing multiple samples directly inside 1.5 to 15 mL tubes without the risk of cross-contamination or need to clean generators between samples. Handheld homogenizer with a 144-watt, high-torque motor features a variable-speed adjustment allowing for homogenization in seconds. A separate on/off switch located at the top of the unit provides easy access and increased safety. The 7-mm diameter open-slotted tooth generator probes are 115 mm in length and constructed of 316 stainless steel and PTFE. They can be reused an unlimited number of times, process difficult samples like tough tissues, and be sterilized by any method, including flaming and autoclaving. A special adapter for the homogenizer makes connecting a new generator and disconnecting a used one quick and easy, minimizing the chance of accidental contamination.




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