Testo 0560 0810 Pocket Line Thermometer with IR/Ambient Measurement

Representative image only.
Testo Mfr # 0560 0810 – Item # 1032353
Measure air and surface temperature with one instrument
  • Small, handy and easy to operate
  • Infrared can easily measure moving objects and dangerous objects from a safe distance
  • 2 year warranty

₹37,000.00INR / Each

₹31,300.00 - ₹43,100.00INR / Each

for an additional
₹31,300.00INR / Each
for an additional
₹43,100.00INR / Each
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Specifications & Description

  • Distance To Target Size Ratio (D:S)6:1
  • EmissivityAdjustable
  • Sighting TypeSingle-point laser
  • Laser ClassClass II
  • Min Temperature (° F)-20
  • Max Temperature (° F)572
  • Min Temperature (° C)-30
  • Max Temperature (° C)300
  • AccuracyInfrared: ±3.6°F; ±2% of mV above 176° and below -4°F; Ambient: ±0.9°F (Infrared: ±2.0°C; ±2% of mV above 80° and below -20°C; Ambient: ±0.5°C)
  • Resolution0.1°
  • Response time<500 milliseconds
  • Display Type2-line backlit LCD
  • Battery2 AAA (included)
  • DescriptionPocket Line Thermometer with IR/Ambient Measurement
  • Warranty2 year
Two year warrantyConformite Europeenne

Key Features

  • Small, handy and easy to operate
  • Infrared can easily measure moving objects and dangerous objects from a safe distance
  • 2 year warranty

More About this Item

The Pocket-Line, is pocket sized, so it can always be with you when you need it. Ideal for making comparisons between surface and air temperatures in non-contact format. Infrared is measured utilizing a 6 to 1 optical ratio, with a single point targeting laser. Utilizing Testo's professional grade sensors, producing accuracies is not common in a meter this size. The menu-driven three button design allows for easy selection of the meters function. Featuring differential temperature, adjustable emissivity, Min/Max/Hold, °f / °C switchable, large backlit display, wrist strap and belt holder. The unique hard shell protective cap snaps on and off the meter. When in use the cap fully encases the meter protecting everything including the display screen, and sensors.

Cole-Parmer provides a wide offering of Professional Infrared Thermometers with varying features and accuracies depending on your application.
We now offer an FDA-cleared infrared thermometer.
Our other infrared thermometers are not approved for medical usage and are not FDA-approved.
For help in selecting an infrared thermometer please contact the Technical Support team at Cole-Parmer.





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