Cole-Parmer® TELOS® neo™ MicroPlate™ SPE Loose Wells

Populate base plate with only the wells needed
  • 50 µL elution volume for minimal sample dilution and reduced evaporation time
  • Optimized well geometry for 5 and 10 mg sorbent masses
  • Use with vacuum or positive pressure
The internal diameter, frit design, and sorbent material of the Cole-Parmer® TELOS® neo™ MicroPlate™ SPE loose wells allow for maximum recovery with minimal sample dilution and reduced evaporation time. A well packed with 5 mg sorbent allows analytes to be eluted in as little as 50 µL.

Use the loose wells for assays when the sample numbers vary, populating the base plate with only the required number of wells. Base plates are required to use loose wells. Full or partially populated plates can be processed using either vacuum or positive pressure. Order method development kit to build a method development plate to suit your application.
37,900.00 - ₹40,200.00INR / Pkg of 100

4 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Sorbent Applications Bed Mass (mg)
Availability Pricing
PAX Mixed-mode strong anion exchange 5
₹40,200.00INR / Pkg of 100
PCX Mixed-mode strong cation exchange 10
₹37,900.00INR / Pkg of 100
PCX Mixed-mode strong cation exchange 5
₹40,200.00INR / Pkg of 100
PRP Nonpolar 5
₹38,700.00INR / Pkg of 100
Showing 1- 4 of 4

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