Mettler Toledo Antistastic Kits

Static and electrostatic charging can cause inaccuracies, greatly affecting sensitive balances like analytical, micro, and semi-micro versions.

Many tare vessels, especially plastic containers, are prone to electrostatic charging. Powdery samples then scatter or stick to the container from the static electricity. If the sample is toxic or harmful, this could be dangerous to the operator.

Discharge/neutralize your samples before weighing to ensure maximum security of the sample and user, and obtain more accurate measurements.
46,600.00 - ₹1,341,000.00INR / Each

4 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Availability Pricing
Mettler Toledo 30061260 SmartPrep Antistatic Material 1114025 Mfr # 30061260
SmartPrep Antistatic Material
₹46,600.00INR / Each
Mettler Toledo 11107766 Antistatic Kit Power Supply For All Balances 1114042 Mfr # 11107766
Antistatic Kit Power Supply For All Balances
₹670,000.00INR / Each
Mettler Toledo 30090337 Compact Antistatic Kit For XP/XPE/XSE 1114103 Mfr # 30090337
Compact Antistatic Kit For XP/XPE/XSE
₹1,341,000.00INR / Each
Mettler Toledo U-Electrode Large for Universal Antistatic Kit 1133799 Mfr # 63052307
U-Electrode Large for Universal Antistatic Kit
₹589,000.00INR / Each
Showing 1- 4 of 4

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