Supco SL50 Temperature and Temperature/Humidity Data Loggers with LCD

USB interface for fast data transfer
  • Real-time display of temperature, relative humidity (SL500TH only), time, date, alarm status, logging status, and battery life
  • Nonvolatile memory retains collected data—even if the battery fails
Supco SL500 data loggers are compact, light weight, and easy to use—making them perfect for many applications. Each logger includes software needed for logger set up, data downloading, and analysis. Loggers can be programmed to record over points once the memory is full, or stop recording. Sampling rates can be adjusted from every 1 second to 9 hours, and start/stop may be manually controlled on the logger or a specific run time may be set through the software. The temperature and relative humidity model (18000-53) alternates display of temperature and humidity every two seconds.
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4 variations of this product are available.

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Max Temperature (° F) Min Temperature (° F) Temperature Accuracy (° F)
Availability Pricing
Supco SL500T Temperature Data Logger with Real Time LCD 1800052 Mfr # SL500T
160 -5 ±0.9
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Supco SL500TH Temperature and Humidity Data Logger with Real Time LCD 1800053 Mfr # SL500TH
160 -5 ±0.9
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Supco SL500XT External Probe Temperature Data Logger with Real Time LCD 1800054 Mfr # SL500XT
176 -40 ±0.9
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Supco SL500TC Thermocouple Temperature Data Logger with Real Time LCD 1800056 Mfr # SL500TC
2372 -418 ±1.3
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Showing 1- 4 of 4

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