VELP KjTabs™ Catalyst Tablets

Speed up digestions
  • Compatible with any digestion system Wide variety of catalyst formulae work with most samples
Use with the Velp DK and DKL Digestion Systems, or any other similar system.
38,000.00 - ₹138,000.00INR / Box of 1000

3 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Materials of Construction Description
Availability Pricing
Velp KjTabs Catalyst Tablets, VS Antifoam; 1000/BX 8657997 Mfr # A00000283
0.97 g Na2SO4 + 0.03 g Silicone (antifoam) Catalyst Tablets, VS Antifoam; 1000/BX
₹105,000.00INR / Box of 1000
Velp KjTabs Catalyst Tablets, VCT; 1000/BX 8658005 Mfr # A00000276
5 g K2SO4 + 0.15 g CuSO4 x 5 H2O + 0.15 g TiO2 Catalyst Tablets, VCT; 1000/BX
₹138,000.00INR / Box of 1000
Velp KjTabs Catalyst Tablets, VCM; 1000/BX 8658008 Mfr # A00000274
3.5 g K2SO4 + 0.1 g CuSO4 x 5 H2O Catalyst Tablets, VCM; 1000/BX
₹38,000.00INR / Box of 1000
Showing 1- 3 of 3

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