Compressor Selection Guide

Compressor Selection Guide

Issues to Consider    Compressor Types     Typical Compressor System

Compressors increase pressure and decrease volume of a gas, typically air. As they do so, they concentrate impurities such as moisture and oil. For applications in which clean air is needed, consider air quality accessories.

Issues to Consider

Necessary Flow Rate: Usually expressed as scfm—the volume of air at atmospheric pressure and room temperature.

Pressure: Typically expressed as psi

Do you need a tank?: Storage tanks enable the compressor to reduce the run time and still give you a reliable source of compressed air.

Oiled vs Oilless: Our oiled compressors run very quietly, but slightly contaminate your air with oil mist. Oilless compressors eliminate the need to properly dispose of oil.

Compressor Types

Oilless Compressors offer users cleaner air by eliminating oil mist.

Oil-Lubricated Compressors offer a lower maintenance cycle and typically run more quietly.

Tank-Mounted Compressors store compressed air for use at any time—no need to wait for the compressor to spool up.

Blowers deliver moderate pressure at a high flow rate

Typical Compressor System