Lab Setup Lab Space Design Guidelines

What's Important for Designing a Lab Space

Lab Setup

A lab setup project might involve building a new lab, renovating an old one, or stocking shelves. Regardless of the project, the Cole-Parmer Lab Setup Program can help you create the perfect lab space quickly.

Before you begin, understand your space, select a casework layout that can be found in the Lab Setup Guide, and make a list of everything you will need to outfit your lab.

Understand the space

Survey the area being considered for the laboratory. Think of the overall amount of space needed for the workers, process, and equipment. Ensure the necessary utility services and sanitary or chemical drains will be available. If a fume hood is needed, make sure an exit route is determined for ducting. Always consider the future needs of the facility.

Select a casework layout

Select a casework layout from our Lab Design and Build Guide that best suits your space and complies with established safety guidelines.

Outfitting the lab

Make a list of all the components needed in the lab. Remember to include cabinets, countertops, fixtures, fume hoods, biological safety cabinets, cold rooms, cleanrooms, water purification systems, bench top equipment, refrigerators, seating, etc. See all products in our Lab Setup Guide.

For equipment, see the equipment list below to help with the lab equipment and supplies:

Lab Equipment and Supplies List

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