Viscosity Values

Viscosity Values

Saybolt Second
Universal (SSU)
Typical liquid
1 1 31 Water
3.2 4 40 Milk
12.6 15.7 80 No. 4 fuel oil
16.5 20.6 100 Cream
34.6 43.2 200 Vegetable oil
88 110 500 SAE 10 oil
176 220 1000 Tomato juice
352 440 2000 SAE 30 oil
880 1100 5000 Glycerine
1561 1735 8000 SAE 50 oil
1760 2200 10,000 Honey
3000 4500 20,000 Glue
5000 6250 28,000 Mayonnaise
8640 10,800 50,000 Molasses B
15,200 19,000 86,000 Sour cream
17,640 19,600 90,000 SAE 70 oil
*Centipoise = centistokes x specific gravity where specific gravity is assumed to be 0.8 (except for water). To find the exact cp of your fluid:
cp = cSt x (weight per gallon x 0.120).