Cole-Parmer® Smart Pack Screw Cap Vials

Smart packs combine vials and caps with septa for your convenience
  • Resealable box helps prevent contamination during use
  • Available in various septum materials, thicknesses, and hardnesses
  • UltraClean silicone/PTFE septa are optimized for gas chromatography and headspace analysis
Choose from a wide range of vials suitable to match any equipment or application need.

Vials are available in clear glass, amber glass, or polypropylene and with or without label and filling lines.

UltraBond cap and septum form a one-piece unit using a bonding process that doesn't require adhesives for contamination-free results. Pre-slit septa prevent vacuum forming inside the vial.
38,900.00 - ₹90,200.00INR / Pkg of 1000

11 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Septum Type Tube Color Volume (mL)
Availability Pricing
Cole-Parmer Smart Pack Vial and Cap Kit, 2 mL Glass Vials, 9 mm, Silicone/PTFE Septa; 1000/pk 9870117
₹61,100.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Silicone cream/PTFE red Clear 2
₹61,100.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Cole-Parmer Smart Pack Vial and Cap Kit, 4 mL Glass Vials, 8 mm, Silicone/PTFE Septa; 1000/pk 9870120
₹82,200.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Silicone cream/PTFE red Clear 4
₹82,200.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Cole-Parmer Smart Pack Vial and Septa Kit, 2 mL Glass Vials, 9 mm, Rubber/TEF Septa; 1000/pk 9870124
₹50,500.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Natural rubber/TEF Clear 2
₹50,500.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Cole-Parmer Smart Pack Vial and Septa Kit, 2 mL Glass Vials, 9 mm, PTFE/Silicone/PTFE Septa, Blue Cap; 1000/pk 9870125
₹83,500.00INR / Pkg of 1000
PTFE red/silicone white/PTFE red Clear 2
₹83,500.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Cole-Parmer Smart Pack Vial and Septa Kit, 2 mL Glass Vials, 9 mm, Silicone/PTFE Septa, Blue Cap; 1000/pk 9870127
₹63,600.00INR / Pkg of 1000
UltraClean™ silicone white/PTFE red Clear 2
₹63,600.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Cole-Parmer Smart Pack Vial and Septa Kit, 2 mL Glass Vials, 9 mm, Pre-Slit Silicone/PTFE Septa; 1000/pk 9870129
₹86,700.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Silicone white/PTFE blue with slit Clear 2
₹86,700.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Cole-Parmer Smart Pack Vial and Septa Kit, 2 mL Glass Vials with Label, 9 mm, PTFE/Silicone/PTFE Septa; 1000/pk 9870133
₹85,400.00INR / Pkg of 1000
PTFE red/silicone white/PTFE red Clear 2
₹85,400.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Cole-Parmer Smart Pack Vial and Septa Kit, 2 mL GlassVials with Label, 9 mm, UltraClean, Silicone/PTFE Septa; 1000/pk 9870134
₹38,900.00INR / Pkg of 1000
UltraClean™ silicone white/PTFE red Clear 2
₹38,900.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Cole-Parmer Smart Pack Vial and Septa Kit, 2 mL Glass Vials with Label, 9 mm, Pre-Slit Silicone/PTFE Septa; 1000/pk 9870135
₹85,100.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Silicone white/PTFE blue with slit Clear 2
₹85,100.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Cole-Parmer Smart Pack Vial and Septa Kit, 2 mL Amber Glass Vials with Label, 9 mm, UltraClean, Silicone/PTFE Septa, Blue Cap; 1000/pk 9870138
₹40,400.00INR / Pkg of 1000
UltraClean™ silicone white/PTFE red Amber 2
₹40,400.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Cole-Parmer Smart Pack Vial and Septa Kit, 2 mL Amber Glass Vials with Label, 9 mm, Pre-Slit Silicone/PTFE Septa; 1000/pk 9870140
₹90,200.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Silicone white/PTFE blue with slit Amber 2
₹90,200.00INR / Pkg of 1000
Showing 1- 11 of 11

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