Kapton Type HN film

Kapton® Type HN film is a tough, aromatic polyimide film, exhibiting an excellent balance of physical, chemical, and electrical properties over a wide temperature range, particularly at unusually high temperatures. It has been used successfully in applications at temperatures as low as -452°F (-269°C) and as high as 752°F (400°C). HN film can be laminated, metallized, punched, formed or adhesive coated.
3,300.00 - ₹9,900.00INR / Each

3 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Length (in) Material Thickness (mil)
Availability Pricing
12 Polymide 1
₹3,300.00INR / Each
12 Polymide 2
₹4,700.00INR / Each
12 Polymide 5
₹9,900.00INR / Each
Showing 1- 3 of 3

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