Bath and Circulator Specifications Terminology

Bath and Circulator Specifications Terminology

A guide for product comparisons!

Temperature Range

This is the minimum to the maximum temperature that a bath can control.

  1. The standard temperature range without the aid of accessories.
  2. With a cooling coil (a stainless steel coiled tube, sold separately), you can direct a stream of coolant through your bath media, cooling it to the temperature of that fluid plus 5° Celsius.
  3. With refrigerated chillers and recirculators, you can cool your bath media to below ambient temperatures. Use low temperature bath fluids to reach these temperatures.

Temperature Control

Baths are available with one of four types of temperature control: on/off, proportional, PID, or fuzzy logic. Each has increasingly more accurate control.

  • On/off: bath operates at full voltage or no voltage. Good for stable systems that need little control.
  • Proportional: bath decreases voltage as the temperature nears the set point. This allows less deviation from the set point.
  • PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative): anticipates the amount of voltage needed to reach but not exceed its set point. Good for rapidly changing systems.
  • Fuzzy Logic: uses a set point modifier to create a temporary set point. The temporary set point changes continuously as you get closer to the actual set point, so that overshoot at start up and during temperature disturbances is virtually eliminated. Ensures optimal system performance.

Pressure Pump

Delivers fluid from a bath to an outside system. This can control temperatures in external closed-loop systems.

Suction Pump

Pulls fluid from external systems to your bath. The pressure and suction pump work together to control external open system temperatures.

Heater Wattage

The higher the wattage, the faster the bath can heat and the more volume it can heat.

Cooling Capacity

A function of time, temperature, horsepower, and wattage. The higher the horsepower and wattage, the faster the temperature change.