In the past, health inspectors relied on traditional contact thermometers to monitor critical temperatures, and could only check a limited number of products in a store or restaurant. Now, inspectors have the ability to instantly and conveniently take more temperature readings more often and significantly increase food preparation safety with point-and-shoot infrared (IR) thermometers. Non-contact IR thermometers use infrared laser technology to quickly and conveniently measure the surface temperatures of objects. You simply aim from a distance, pull the trigger and read the temperature on the LCD display. They are lightweight, compact and easy to use, and can safely measure hot, hazardous, or hard-to-reach surfaces without contaminating or damaging the object. In addition, IR thermometers can provide several readings per second, as compared to contact methods where each measurement can take significantly more time.
IR thermometers are used in all facets of food handling, including preparation and processing, storage, and safety. Used as a scanning tool, they can quickly identify potential problem areas, which can then be confirmed using a probe thermometer to take internal temperatures. They can be used to scan processing equipment, food cases, containers, pots in a walk-in refrigerator and even condenser coils on refrigerators in a matter of seconds. They are extremely useful for most Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) programs, which generally require regular monitoring of food temperatures to insure they do not exceed the 40 to 140°F food safety zone, and in large establishments, like supermarkets, the laser can be used as a pointer to visually show store and restaurant mangers where problem areas areeven if they are on the ceiling or behind other objects.
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OAKTON® Food IR Thermometer
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